Occupation Day

On Tuesday, 29 th of February 2019, Pratu Buce Delvi Tuarissa, an Indonesian National Armed Forces soldier visited Lollypop Preschool. This is in relation to our monthly theme, “Community Helpers”, as well as in conjunction with our IEYC topic of the month, “To the Rescue”. He talked about his job and how he helps the community. The visit gave the students first-hand experience with a real-life soldier to enhance their knowledge of Community Helpers.
The children enjoyed the “training” that they had with him. He taught them how to execute the salute correctly and he discussed when it is done. There were two ways of executing the salute according to Mr. Buce; when we are standing at attention and while marching. The children straight away put into practice what they learned by saluting to the Indonesian flag while singing the Indonesia Raya. He also showed the children the different kinds of uniforms that a soldier wears on different occasions and he rewarded those who volunteered to participate in the special activity that he prepared for them. It was another meaningful day at school for everyone in Lollypop. We were all grateful to the time that Mr. Buce extended to us in order for the children to learn more about the people living in the community, especially the ones that play an important role in keeping everybody safe.
Thank you, Kakak Buce!